2000 s10 xtreme 4.3 auto built by me and has been 5 years in the making and still not done.
Her name is Serenity. Started on the truck about five years ago. Came from a hot rod background, never did fool with the airbag stuff but also had a passion for lowriders. I started a family and that put the brakes on a hot rod. So i picked this truck up with the intentions on airbagging it. At the time my son was three and didn’t talk a word. We took him to multiple doctors and they all could not agree on the same thing. It put a lot of stress on my wife and I, we would argue all the time about our son’s situation. I would go in my garage and start working on the truck to keep my mind off of things. My first time doing this i had to do a lot of research. So after each doctors visit with our son, i would come home and work on the truck. It was my getaway from life for that short time. After work come and me and my son would go hangout in the garage and do work. Over the years it is what it is today with the help of some good friends. I drove the truck alot in primer didn’t care, it was a work in progress. So one day we do meet another doctor. Now he is at the age of 6 now, this doctor diagnosed him and knew what the speech disorder was right away. That was a big relief and weight lifted off our shoulders. After 4 months he was talking clear as day, so i knew it was time to finish up my project in honor of his determination. So me and a buddy painted it. Took us about three months, nights and weekends. Didn’t really expect it to be what it is today. My family and I enjoy more and more everyday of the truck. Going to shows or talking a cruise. That is where the name Serenity comes from.